Richard Morrison


“It is the power of the striking single image that I look for.  In the still frame we can take a pause, consider, think and respond to what we see.” 

My recent work has found me capturing the everyday life of people in their natural environments, often with ambiguity and humour in the scene.   I also respond strongly to spaces without people, the timeless backdrop of space before action. 

A passionate photographer all my life, as a visual artist I also work in the movie and tv business, creating opening title sequences. 

Exhibitions have been held at Chelsea Arts club and in Soho galleries.


Richard’s 2022 photo-zine projects Park Bench and Street Punk are available on the site, and the start of a continuing series.  

The hardback photo-book Seen London published in 2017 sold in Tate Gallery bookshops and the Photographers’ Gallery.  His first book Cut, featuring distressed billboards around the world, is a collector’s item, with only six editions left.